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Museum Grand Opening

Charlotte Pack

Music Makers Museum will be part of the Highland Highland County Historical Society Tour of Homes and Historic Buildings will be on June 23 from noon until 5:00 p.m. The tour will showcase eight historic homes and two historic buildings. An additional highlight to this year’s tour is the opening of Music Makers Museum, a private music history collection of how Americans have recorded and collected music open only by special events and appointments. Over twenty-five years in the making, Music Makers Museum is only one of a handful museums worldwide where you can see such an extensive display of early music recording technology.

“We have come so far from Thomas Edison’s invention of the crank phonograph few people know about or experience this early music era. Music has become so common place we don’t realize how much of a marvel Edison’s phonograph was in 1877." Rodney Pack, the phonograph man and co-owner of Music Makers Museum

Tickets cost $15 for adults and $5.00 for children. Tickets are available in Hillsboro at Appearance Salon, Cundiffs Flowers, Highland House Museum, Gibbs Insurance Agency or Warren Furniture. For those last minute planners, tickets will also be available at the Highland House Museum, the day of the event. For additional contact information about the event, please use the CONTACT PAGE.

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